On the main beach of Paleokastritsa you can do excellent diving and snorkelling. In addition, the rocky beach in the west of Corfu is a spectacular sight. Enjoy a picturesque setting of deep blue sea, steep rock faces, cypresses and olive groves!

Also visit the ancient monastery of Paleokastritsa, built on a rocky hill, and the bar La Grotta, carved into the rock.

Would you have known? On Paleokastritsa Beach, Odysseus is said to have met the beautiful Nausikaa, daughter of King Alkinoos, and his wife Arete. According to legend, behind the rock that still rises steeply out of the water today is the fossilised ship of the famous seafarer…

Suitable for: Diving and snorkelling
Sun loungers and parasols: can be hired
Distance from the house: 61 km, 1std 15 min by car